Friday, October 12, 2007

My Pretty Pink Phone

As I've said, there have been so many issues in my life lately. I've been dragged away from Texas, I still don't have my old toe, my stalker/boyfriend and my dad have more of a history than I want to think about, and today, I totally dropped my cell phone!

It was awful. I was in the bathroom looking at the fancy California sinks and my phone slipped out of my pocket. It hit the nasty floor so hard something must have broken inside. I can make calls, but the screen is all white. Now I can't look at pictures, text, make videos or listen to music. I can only call people if I have their numbers memorized. what kind of phone is that? So useless... And I just know Daddy won't buy me a new one because I just got my car stolen as well. He'll probably set me up with one of those old clunky ones.

I NEED my pink phone. I need to call bio-dad to ask for news on Peter. I need it text West in class. Why can't phones heal like people... Or me at least?